- NEWS -
04.05 - 07.07 24
LLUM AL MUR - Photo Alicante Festival, screening Centro Cultural Las Cigarreras.
23.05 - 25.05 24
Zines Of the Zone, China Fanzine, Exposition MARABOUTAGE, Festival Figuré.e, Toulouse.
30.09 - 28.10 23
'The White Line' / 'La Línea Blanca´ Festival Imàginaria, Espai Cultural Obert Les Aules. Pl de les Aules, 4
21.09 - 24.09 23
Photopia Festival Hamburg, Profifoto New Talent Award, powered by Canon and printed by WhiteWall. 'The While Line¨will be with ProfiFoto
28.06 - 17.07 23
Fotofestival Fotogipfel, Profifoto New Talent Award, powered by Canon and printed by WhiteWall, at the 11th Oberstdorf Photo Summit, Kunsthaus Villa Jans. 'The While Line¨will be with ProfiFoto
01.04 23
Selected artistic residence in Lawayaka Current, Atacama Desert, Chile.
22.03 - 15.04 23
Collective exhibition Jesús Labandeira Pastor and Rosa Rodríguez, curator Carmen Dalmau. Le Mur Gallery, c/ Amaniel 20, Madrid.
ClavoArdiendo Magazine by Roberto Villalón
15.03 23
Podscat interview program ´Calle Oscura´
09.02 23
´Earth Photo´online event 6.00 pm-7.15 p.m. Royal Geographical Society with IBG London.
21.12 - 20.03 23
´The White Line´ Salvaje Magazine nº 15 winter.
01.01 - 28.02 23
´The White Line´ ProfiFoto Magazine.
07.12 - 11.12 2022
Fotofestival SOLAR, Noite Solar 'The White Line', Centro de Design, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
17.11 2022
Talk book 'La Línea Blanca' Photobook Club Castellon, Jaume I University, Menador Espai Cultural, Plaça de l'Hort dels Corders, 4, Castellón de la Plana, Spain.
04.11 - 18.11 2022
´The White Line' Photobook, OFF Bratislava festival, Off Libris exhibition, OD Dunaj, Námestie SNP (SNP Square) 30, Bratislava on three floors, 1st - 3rd.
24.09 - 28.10 2022
"The White Line" Photometria festival, Parallel Voices, Outdoor area of the house of Pyrsinellas - Municipal Regional Theater, Loania, Grecia.
26.07 2022
07.07 - 02.10 2022
"The White Line" Helsinki Photo Festival. Exhibiton The National Museum Of Finland.
09.09 - 02.10 2022
Exhibition "Veinte miradas desde la autoedición" Revela´T festival, Photo Art Books, curator Mireia Alises. Fábrica de cal Garbat, Viassar de Dalt, Barcelona.
11.07 - 25.09 2022
"The White Line" screening, ARLES - Les Rencontres de la Photographie, ´BEST OF´ Night of The Year, Croisiere, 59 Bd Emile Combes, Arles. 10.00 - 18.00 h.
"The White Line" screening, Verzasca Foto Festival, Photo Night.
ProfiFoto New Talent Award 22/2.
"La Linea Blanca" Blog Fnac Madrid, text by Bea Rivas.
"The White Line" screening, ARLES - Les Rencontres de la Photographie, NUIT OF THE YEAR, Papeteries Étienne, 10.00 PM - 03.00 AM.
17.06 - 26.08 2022
"The White Line" winner video category Earth Photo 2022. Screening The Royal Geographical Society London (with IBG), 1 Kensington Gore, London. Open 10.00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
08.06 - 24.07 2022
"The White Line book" winner Athens Photo Festival Photobook Exhibition, Benaki Museum, Pireos 138.
Burn Magazine "The White Line" Photo Essay curated by Alejandra Martínez Moreno.
01.06 - 31.08 2022
"The White Line book" selected PhotoEspaña The best photography books of the year. Exhibition Official Section PhotoEspaña, PhotoEspaña Gallery, c/ Alameda, 8, Madrid. L-V 11:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. / Sat. 11:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m.
07.03 - 21.03 2022
"The White Line" French Pavilion IWPA, Dubai World Expo exhibition center, UAE.
"The White Line" winner Photometria Festival, Parallel Voices 2022, Loánina, Greece
EFTI, International Photography and Film Center, talk "Creative process of a photographic project". Espacio Unonueve, Gutenberg 4, Madrid, 18:00 h.
Photo Art Books, "The White Line photobook"
BIFA Budapest International Foto Award, Professional Book Bronze Winer.
ND Neutral Density Photography Awards, 2nd Place and Silver Star Award in Architecture Buildings Category.
Talk Photobook "La Línea Blanca", The Showroom, Lens Escuela de Artes Visuales, Paseo de la Esperanza 5 Madrid 20:00 h.
09.11 - 11.01 2022
"La Línea Blanca" exhibition Sala Kursala, Servicio de Extensión Universitaria del Vicerrectorado de Cultura de la Universidad de Cádiz, curator Jesús Micó. Paseo de Carlos III, 3, Cádiz. Monday - Friday 09:00 - 21:00 h.
"The White Line" Screen festival La Nuu Rubi Cataluña, Spain.
17.09 - 30.10 2021
Group exhibition "The White Line", finalist Photobook Award 2020, festival Encontros da Imagem, Galeria do Paço da UMinho, Braga, Portugal. Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 h
17.09 - 17.10 2021
Group exhibition IWPA International Women in Photo Association - Kyotographie photo festival. "The White Line" won Sustainable award and is part of the exhibition. KG+ Square, Kyoto, Japan.
01.06 - 01.07 2021
The White Line Dummy in SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2021 Exhibition, biennial series of events dedicated to photobooks and self-publishing, curators Evita Goze and Anna Volkova and organized by the ISSP platform of contemporary photography in Riga, Latvia. ISSP Gallery Tue, The, Fri, Sat: 12:00 - 18:00 Wed: 12:00 - 20:00 Sun, Mon: Closed - Marijas 13 k-3, Berga Bazārs, Rīga, Latvia
La Línea Blanca in HANDBALI Magazine II
07.06 - 12.06 2021
The White Line in EL PAIS Newspaper
02.03 - 26.03 2021
Group exhibition IWPA International Women in Photo Association WRP Foundation Geneva, sponsors Alliance Francaise Geneve and embassy of France in Switzerland. The White Line won Sustainable award and is part of the exhibition. Rue François Bonivard 12 - CH 1201 Geneva, Switzerland. Monda, Tuesday and Thursday 10-18h - Wednesday and Frida 10 - 12h30.
06.02 - 05.03 2021
Group exhibition IWPA International Women in Photo Association, posted by the Foreign Correspondents´ Club Japan, sponsors Leica Camera Japan and East Japan Railway Company. The White Line won Sustainable award and is part of the exhibition. Marunochi 3-2-3 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 - 0005, open Monday to Frida from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
FCCJ - The Foreign Correspondents´ Club of Japan. Panel Discussion (Zoom Event): Full Esposare: (nternational Women in Photo Association
04.12 - 31.12 2020
Exhibition "La Línea Blanca" Viewing-room Photography Festival ART PHOTO BCN, Barcelona, Spain.
"The White line", ShortList Luma Rencontres Dummy Book Award Arles
07.10 - 15.11 2020
Group exhibition Qui va Lá?, curador Stéphanie Migniot. "Moscow White Dreams" is part of the exhibition. Colegio de España en Paris, 7E, bulevar Jourdan, 75014 Paris, Francia. Monday-Friday 09:00-20:00h
THE WIHTE LINE in Fisheye Magazine
11.09 - 31.10. 2020
"The White Line" exhibition GENESIS - Encontros da Imagem International Photography and Visual Arts Festival, Monasterio de Tibaes, Rua da Veiga, 16, Adaúfe, Braga, Portugal. Tuesday - Sunday 09:00-20:00h.
Sustainable Price Winer IWPA 2020 International Women In Photo Association
"La Línea Blanca International Book Day" Instituto Cervantes Tel Aviv.
28.09.2019 - 19.01 2020
Group exhibition "The City Will Always Pursue You: A story told with photobooks, books and non-books", Curator Javier Pérez Iglesias. "China In Progress is part of the exhibition". MUSAC Museo Of Contemporary Art of Castilla y León, Avenida de Los Reyes Leoneses, 24, León, Spain. Tuesday-Friday 11:00-14:00h and 17:00-20:00h, Sat-Sun 11:00-15:00h and 17:00-21:00h
Winner XVII Roberto Villagraz Scholarship, awarded by EFTI International Center for Photography and Cinema.
26.09. - 03.10 2018
First Price Photography Award Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. Exhibition Lucernario Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Palacio de Fomento, Paseo Infanta Isabel, 1, Madrid, Spain, Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00h
20.09 - 02.10 2018
Group exhibition "Phes Spanish solidarity photography", University Center for Visual Arts TAI, Recoletos 22, Madrid, España.
27.09 - 29-.09 2018
Group exhibition Zines of The Zone, Contemporary Art Museum of Castilla y Leon, "Moscow White Dreams and China in Progress", Avenida de los Reyes Leoneses, 24, León, Spain, Thursday and Friday 11:00-14:00h and 17:00-20:00h, Saturday 11:00-15:00 and 17:00-21:00h.
21.09 - 23.09 2018
Rome Photozine Festival Funzilla 2018, "EL VIAJE" Casa dell Cultura Villa de Sanctis Roma, Via Casilina, 665, 00177 Roma, Italy.
03.09 - 21.09 2018
First Price Arganzuela Photography Award. Exhibition Sala La Lonja de la Casa del Reloj, Paseo de la Chopera, 10. Monday to Friday 10:00-14:00 h. - 17:00-20:00 h. Saturday-Sunday 11:00 -14:00 h.
01.12 - 31.12 2017
Centro de Arte dos de Mayo, "EL VIAJE, Moscow White Dreams and China In Progress". One Fanzine day.
15.12 - 16.12 2017
FIEBRE Photobook Festival, "EL VIAJE, Moscow White Dreams and China In Progress", Casa del Lector, Matadero de Madrid, Paseo de la Chopera, 14, Madrid, Friday 17-21:45 h. and Saturday 11:00 -15:00 and 16:30 - 20:45 h.
Talk "Moscow White Dreams" Coordenada Este, Lens Scool of Visual Arts, Paseo de la Esperanza, 5 - 28005 Madrid, 20-22 h.
12.10 - 16.10 2017
29.09 - 02.10 2017
VI Encuentro de Editores Inclasificables, "El Viaje" Casa de las Conchas, Salamanca, Spain.
18.08 - 20.08 2017
Group Exhibition in Taiga Space, Photobookshow.co.uk, Россия, город Санкт-Петербург, Дворцовая набережная, 20, St Petersburg, Russia.
02.05 - 23.07 2017
"Moscow White Dreams" and "China In Progress" group photobook exhibition Fotofabrika festival Sofia, Bulgaria, "Prints, papera and photos. Publicaciones fanzinantes", opening 05 June - 19:00h, Cervantes Institute Sofia, Bulgaria.
"El Viaje" group exhibition Photobookshow.co.uk, The Brighton Studio, New England House, Brighton BN1 4GH, England.
21.04 - 23.04 2017
MADRID ART BOOK FAIR, La Casa Encendida, Ronda de Valencia 2, Madrid.
21.04 - 23.04 2017
El Imparcial, "Moscow White Dreams" group exhibition 'Prints, papers and photos', Duque de Alba street, 4, Madrid.
22.02 - 26.02 2017
ARCO MADRID 2017, Art Libris, "Moscow White Dreams", "China In Progress", "El Viaje". Avenida Partenon, 5, Madrid.
07.12 - 31.12 2016
Solo exhibition "Moscow White Dreams" Colegio de España en Paris, Cité internationale universitario de Paris 7E bulevar Jourdan, Paris.
25.11 - 27.11 2016
"Moscow White Dreams" and "China In Progress" group exhibition photobok 7ª Feira Do Livro de Fotografia de Lisboa, Arquivo Municiapal de Lisboa Fotográfico, R. Palma 246, 1100-394 Lisboa (Portugal).
24.11 - 27.11 2016
"Moscow White Dreams" group exhibition photobook Felifa - 15ª Edición Feria de Libros de Autor, Godoy Cruz 2620, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 12 - 20 h.
18.11- 20.11 2016
"Moscow White Dreams" and "China In Progress" group exhibition photobook Festival Papel Continuo, La Térmica de Málaga, Av. de los Guindos, 48 - Málaga.
18.11 - 19.11 2016
"Moscow White Dreams" Photobookshow, Klaipėda (Lithuania) at Klaipedos Parodu Rumai, Didžioji Vandens g. 2, with the help of KITI 7 Project, curated by Lithuanian photographers Valus Sonov and Paulus Butkus.
06.05 - 30.06 2016
Art Center Huarte, "Moscow White Dreams" and "China In Progress" group exhibition photobook Autoedit II, Calvario Street, 2, 31620 Huarte, Navarra (Spain). Tuesday - Friday 17:00-20:00; Saturday 12:00-14:00 and 17:00-20:00; Sunday 12:00-14:00
18.05 - 18.06 2016
MUSEO PUMAPUNGO, group exhibition Enredadas: Art and Social Justice, Larga Street, Cuenca (Ecuador). Tuesday - Frida 08:00-20:00; Saturday and Sunday 10:00-16:00
08.03 - 22.03 2016
Exposición CRAI, "Moscow White Dreams" and "China In Progress" group exhibition Aula de Arte University Rovira i Virgili Tarrajona, Carrer de l`Escorxador, s/n, Tarragona (Spain).
10.12 - 17.04 2016
Photobook Festival Fiebre, group exhibition "Moscow White Dreams" DIWO, Do it with Other, curator Juan Pablo Huércanos and produced by the Photobook Festival Fiebre, and CentroCentro Cibeles, Cibeles Square, nº 1, 4ª floor, Madrid (Spain).
12.12 - 28.02 2016
"Moscow White Dreams" group Exhibition Feria U R C A, Ateliê da Imagen Espaço Cultural, Possible Books, curatos Rony Maltz and Carolina Cattan. Avenue Pasteur 453 Urca, Río de Janerio, Brasil
12.12 - 13.12 2015
"Moscow White Dreams" and "China In Progress" Photobook Festival Fiebre, Matadero Madrid, Casa del Lector, Legazpi Square, 8, Madrid, Spain. Saturday 11:30 - 15:00 and 16:00-21:00 Sunday 11:00-14:30.
Workshop given Nadir Gallery "The photographic project: Creating and Disseminating" c/ Juan Navarro 18, Madrid, Spain. Saturday 12:00 - 13:00 h.
09.11 - 15.12 2015
"Moscow White Dreams" Solo Exhibition Fotonoviembre 2015, XIII International Bienal of Photography of Tenerife, Atlántica Colectivas. Convento de Santo Domingo, Plaza Santo Domingo s/n - La Laguna (Tenerife)
Artist Talk "China In Progress", La Fábrica, Photobook Week, c/ Alameda 9, Madrid, 18:00 h.
08.06 - 14.06 2015
"Moscow White Dreams" and "China In Progress" La Fábrica, Photobook Week PhotoEspaña, c/ Alameda 9, Madrid
24.04 - 26.04 2015
"Moscow White Dreams" Libros Mutantes,La Casa Encendida, Ronda de Valencia, 2, Madrid, Friday 17.00h- 22:00h, Saturday and Sunday 12.00h-15:00h and 17.00h- 22:00h
12.04 - 26.04 2015
"Moscow White Dreams" group exhibition photobook FOCUS Photography Festival Mumbai, India. BIND COLLECTIVE LIBRARY, T3 Roopsagar, Janki Kutir Society, Juhu Church Road, Mumbai
07.03 - 8.03 2015
"Moscow White Dreams" Feira Plana 3 São Paulo Museu da Imagem e do Som de São Paulo - MIS, Avenida Europa, 158, Jardim Europa, São Paulo, Brasil
20.02 - 12.03 2015
Group exhibition "Transversalities Photography Without Borders" Center for Iberian Studies Guarda. Geography and History University of Salamanca, Spain.
12.12 - 13.12 2014
The Folio Marcket Barcelona, "Moscow White Dreams" 37 Roc Boronat (Barcelona), Friday 17.00h- 23:00h and Saturday 12.00h-19:30h.
"Moscow White Dreams" Fiebre Photobook, BlankPaper, 4 Nao Street, Madrid 11:30h-23:00h
04.10 - 02.11 2014
"Moscow White Dreams" Brighton Photo Bienal Jubilee Library, Brighton.
18.09 - 31.10 2014
"Moscow White Dreams" Festival Encontros da Imagen Photobook exhibition, Rua de Janes, 43 - Braga, Portugal
10.09 - 13.10 2014
"Moscow White Dreams" exhibition PhotoBook Club Madrid, La Central Library Reina Sofia Museum.
OjodePez Photography Magazine "Moscow"